The New Sea Eagle 393RL & 473RL  RazorLite  Inflatable Kayaks and  TC16 Canoes perform like a hard body boat.

The New Sea Eagle 393RL & 473RL RazorLite Inflatable Kayaks and TC16 Canoes perform like a hard body boat.

The  Sea Eagle  393RL (one person) and 473RL (two person) Razorlite inflatable kayaks were introduced  last summer.   Sea Eagle was the first company that produced a boat that was completely made with drop stitch construction.  This manufacturing method evolved. Drop stitch construction was first introduced in paddleboats. The boards could be made so stiff that they were nearly as rigid as a solid wood or fiberglass board. Then drop stitch was used as floors in boats. The extra rigidity offered better performance. Now thanks to Sea Eagle kayaks and canoes can be made completely of drop stitch construction. The Sea Eagle 393rl & 473rl Razorlites are compact when deflated but when they are inflated, they do not look like an inflatable kayak. You might think they are a hard body boat. The side and bottom are so rigid you cannot make them bend. In fact, they offer nearly the same performance as a hard body.

The kayak has a razor-sharp, tapered, hard nose bow and stern all combined with fully constructed Drop Stith construction. It cuts through water straighter than any other kayak with speeds up to 6 miles per hour.

The boat has many special features.

The first obviously is the Drop Stitch construction combined with a molded bow and stern shaped for speed.

This year Sea Eagle has added an Adjustable FlexBrace Footrest with 20 different positions. We have not seen anything like this on any other inflatable kayak. It is unique to the 393rl & 473rl Razorlite kayaks. The Flexbrace are fully adjustable that will provide hours of comfortable bracing.

When we were first introduced to these boats we thought that it being a high end product they would sell in limited numbers. We were wrong. These kayaks are selling well beyond our expectations. It seems the more people that buy they, give positive reviews, create more interest and sales in these excellent kayaks.

So, if you are interested in an inflatable kayak check out the Sea Eagle 393rl & 473rl inflatable kayaks. You get a top-quality kayak with a full 3 year warranty that is comparable to any hard body kayak.

The TC16 is a canoe with a similar construction to the Razorlite kayaks.

Due to its high-performance characteristics and design it is only recommended for intermediate and above paddlers.

If you had any experiences with these kayaks or canoe please post your comments. Thank you.
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