Do you paddle solo?
Posted by Admin on 5/28/2017 to
Sea Eagle just introduced new solo paddling options for the summer. The 385fta fasttrack deluxe solo, The 385fta fasttrack with swivel seat, the Sea Eagle 300 Explorer pro, the Sea Eagle 300x Explorer Deluxe, the Sea Eagle FishSup, and the Sea Eagle PackFish7
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New Prodct. The LectroTab Automatic Leveling Control ALC-1 ALC-2D and ALC-1D for Boat Trim Tabs
Posted by Al Murray on 5/28/2017 to
Lectrotab just introduced their Trim Tab, Automatic Leveling Control (ALC) that automatically adjusts roll from side to side and pitch from bow to stern to maintain a level boat and more comfortable and enjoyable ride. Fantastic new product. Available with a trim tab kit or sold as an upgrade to manual trim tabs.